Can you tell that I was feeling a tad stressed?
I think things are kind of back under some kind of control...apart from the screaming toddler at my feet.
I have wrapped nearly all the gifts today, and apart from a few token gifts, I have everything bought or made.
I made my eldest sister this apron, at her is from Seams to me
My mother is going to their family for Christmas so she will bring it to her.
For her husband, I made some handkerchiefs....
I am hoping to make them something else, but have to remind pressure!
The tree saga, in case you are interested, basically consisted of a delayed tree, finally delivered... over excited kids, broken lights (only after they were on the tree, they worked on the ground), new lights.... again, over-excited kids, an over-excited grand-mother...and just when we had the last decoration up...the whole lot fell...all 9ft of it! (Almost 3 metres) I put it back up, shut the is still leaning against the will get sorted.
I swore a lot...
I managed to get to the shops for an hour last night and picked up some gifts that I wanted to have out of the way, I'll figure out the rest, somehow.
Tonight is one of my favourite nights in the run up to Christmas, and one I try and is the school choir, singing carols...a very special night, all the lights dimmed and candles lit.
My kids are still too young to join the choir, but Maeve will have a bit of speaking to do.
Oh yeah...and we all had a stomach bug over the last week...just for added fun...
I hope you are all coping alright...
M x
Don't get too stressed about it all. Have another go at the tree tomorrow and it will be fine, I'm sure. Enjoy the carol singing tonight!
Oh thanks Nicole...I am doing better today. The tree is only leaning slightly now! And towards the wall which is ok!
The carols were last night and after they sang "Oh Holy Night", everything was ok in the world again. Then they sang it again at the end! It is my favourite carol. Tomorrow night is carols in church and I might go and belt out a few...singing always makes me feel better...but then I'm sure you know that feeling well!
Ohh Millie, that tree saga reads like a horror story. I'm glad you managed to fix it, even if it is still leaning. It is so hard not to get stressed, because it just seems to be a long list of things to do!
Thank God for music - there's a lovely version of O Holy Night by Eimear Quinn ( Eurovision Winner a few years back) I heard it on the radio during the week.
I hope the rest of the run up to Christmas goes a LOT more smoothly for you :-)
Thanks SewMentalMama! I think I figured it out today....I have to be in control...all the time. I think with the stressful day I had, I was afraid that I was lagging behind with plans...because in fact at this stage, I don't have much more to do! Silly isn't it!
I would love to listen to some carols on the computer, but my speakers seem to be I'll just keep singing to myself! Singing is such a tonic!
I hope that I continue to be less stressed too...! Thanks for the kind words!
It sounds just like my house when the kids were small. It does change when they are older. I'm sure it will be a wonderful Christmas, falling tree and all. Enjoy!
Thanks so much Beth. That is good to know!..I am sure we will look back and laugh about it all in years to come!
Oh dear, I hope you're feeling calmer now... but I imagine the weather is now an issue...?? Everything is grinding to a halt here and I'm accepting that not everyone will have all of their gifts on christmas day!
Thanks Sadhbh...everything is under control again...hence calm again! I was about to write that the weather is not too bad here...but -10 is as bad as it gets...cold-wise anyway. We have avoided the snow so far. I am hoping it will stay that way. The last of our gifts arrived today...thankfully.
The kids have only 2 more days of school and then we will all relax, a bit anyway, we have 2 school plays and a concert to go to over the next 2 days!
Yikes. I would swear a lot too:) Glad it's sorted now, though!
Thanks Andrea!
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