As I have mentioned before, I made the "The Two Dolls" hobby-horses for Christmas...So at last I can share some photos of them with you. Of course I could have done this on the 26th, but I have been lost in a sea of Lego since Christmas day!
The red one is Realtín's and the blue one is Bláthín's.....
I am really pleased with the end result...the girls are so-so about them...they were quite happy to use their older sister and brother's, so why should they change now! I am sure that in time they will be pleased to have their own.
The main fabric is from Ikea, I used shortened broom handles for the stick, and some recycled twill tape from a Moda precut pack for the reins. Their manes are jersey scraps and their nose-bands are ribbon scraps. Their ears are interfaced scraps of quilting really a project of scraps and recycled bits.
They were quite easy to make, the hardest part was hiding them from the girls!
These turned out so cute!
They're adorable! One of my little girls' duvet cover is that same fabric.
Very cute!
Thanks Heather!
Beachgirl...this fabric is also available in 3 metre pieces in the kids section, it is really useful, I also used it to line the girls' O+S Bubble Dresses.
Thanks Ruthie!
Those are so cute!
I always eye (well, actually, hand) the IKEA fabric whenever I'm there, but haven't succumbed...yet.
These are really great! Did you use a pattern?
Joy...I have lots, I use it for everything....but my favourites are these kids ones...they are such nice cotton.
Michal...thank you...I just copied the shape of my older girl's hobby horse. I know that Farbenmix have an eBook pattern though.
if your girls remain so-so about them, I have a girl who would be happy to re-stable one! They're beautiful - much nicer than the John Lewis ones. And would just match her duvet cover (snap! beangirl!) I am a big Ikea fabric fan too - such pretty designs and it's soooo cheap!!
they are fantastic!!! what a wonderful idea!! There's nothing like an updated version of the special toys we loved so well when we were young!!
Hope you had a fabulous Christmas...I'm a new follower!
Millie they are great! I was always looking for those to myke myself, and you "just copied it"...
Have a happy new year, take care,
Oh, those are gorgeous!!! Lovely work Millie!! I might follow your example and make one for Amelia. She's crazy about horses!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a wonderful new year!
Oh thank you Kathryn, but I'm sure in time they will come to love them. I saw B galloping around on hers today, shouting Yeee-haw! So I think they are keepers now!
Thanks Michelle...I agree, sometimes it is the old fashioned toys that kids enjoy the most, they use their imaginations much more, I think galloping around yee-haw-ing, followed by... "I a cowboy!".
Nice to meet you, btw.
Thanks Nina...I bet your kids would love some of these...Happy New Year to you and yours too!
Thanks Iveth...Amelia would be the perfect age for one...if she likes horses, she'd love one. One of my girls is more fond of them than the other...the other prefers to twirl and says that she is a ballerina!
Happy New Year to you too!
Millie, what a great idea. My daughter has used the sweeping brush as a hobby horse, but I never even dreamt of making them. Yours look so impressive! I'm with you on the 'sea of Lego', the only upside is that they play with it for hours :-)
Best wishes for 2011
Oh my, those are lovely! I made the Ottobre hobby-fox a year ago. It was all the rage for a while, but Rowan seems to have forgotten it. Maybe I should pull it out again.
Nice horses.. our children made these horses at school in class 8, I still have them, so beautiful..
Wow! those are gorgeous! I made sock-monkeys for my twins... your horsies are way more impressive... but I've got a while yet to upskill! The girls have beautiful names too x
Thanks Angela...There are patterns out there for hobby horses, so they are make-able...I thought about how to for ages before I got round to doing them...we are huge Lego fans in this house...I still have my Lego!!!
Thank you Medrie...I agree, these things come and go....and sometimes when they are re-introduced they have fun all over again!
Thanks lovely that your children got to make these...such fun for them.
Thank you Sadhbh...I have never made sock monkeys...I see them around and they look like fun to make..Anything that you kids have fun with is worth making...their names can be a problem for lots of people...we like them though!
Fantastic. You're a very talented woman Ms. Millie.
Love these! I may have to try making one of these when the baby gets a little older. I love old fashioned toys.
Oh thank you Niamh...the feeling is mutual...I just shlap on some icing on my cakes...unlike you!!!
Sascha...Thank you very much...I think he would love a hobby-horse.
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