Saturday, May 15, 2010

Works in Progress

My new WIP....
I had it laid out on my hall floor at this stage, making final decisions on what to put where...

Cee tagged me with a challenge and I am to post a photo of the eighth photo in the eighth folder in my photos....

The photo is of the two girls, taken almost exactly a year ago...they look so young.
It is their second birthday in a couple of weeks and it is hard to believe that almost two years have passed already since they arrived in this world, it seems like only yesterday that we were driving home from hospital with our two tiny newborn bundles in the back of the car.
So I suppose these two, and the older two are also "Works in Progress", all, ever changing, ever learning , ever teaching, ever challenging, ever inspiring, ever surprising, but always fun to watch as they progress through life...


Nicole said...

I find it quite scary how quickly the years pass! It's lovely to see though how our kids develope, grow, change and progress. The top picture, is that going to be a quilt?

Millie said...

You are right is scary and exciting all at once!
The top picture is going to be a quilt...I hope. It is now all pieced together, now for the basting and quilting.

Nö said...

The quilt looks like very accurate work is needed!

The photo is cute - yes time flies since we have kids I think. Remember how long the first pregnancy took? The second just rushed by. How long six weeks of summer holidays were? Now six weeks is nothing...

Is it the kids or our age? Whatever...

Have a great weekend,


Joy said...

Such a sweet picture of your two little works in progress! It's a delightful way of thinking of our very long-term job. Do you plan to post any tutorials, heh heh?

Heather said...

The quilt looks like it'll be lovely. The colors are great. The babies are super cute too. I find time flies way too fast!

Millie said...

Nina...You are so right about the kids and time...I don't know if it is our age of the kids, but I have found that when they start school, time passes much faster.
Have a lovely weekend too.

Joy...I think you could give the tutorial! The photo is very ordinary but the girls are thick as thieves and I think it comes across in the photo.

Heather...Thank you..I love the colours too. The citrus yellow is a new favourite of mine. (I am sure there is a better name for it)
The girls are so pudgy and cute, where did the time go!?

Cee said...

Millie thanks for sharing this lovely photo of your pair. They grow and change so quickly don't they. Life seems to always be becoming something new with little ones growing around you.

Happy Birthday to them both, and you as well, who did all the hard yards ;)


Millie said...

Thanks Cee...for the birthday wishes and for making me look back!


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