The lovely Nina, over at No's familie has very kindly given me an award for being creative and inspirational! Me?!
Thank you very much Nina, you are too kind.
As part of the award I have to nominate seven other blogs which I think are creative, so I've nominated Astrid, Nicole, Ria, Beachgirl, Joy, Winter Tree and Kathryn.
I hope none of you mind.
I am also supposed to tell you seven things you might not know about me;
1. I was christened Mildred Madeleine.....not many people know that one!
2. I am married to a 'Younger Man', only by 9 months but it still counts.
3. I was born in England, but I have an Irish and an American passport.
4. My favourite colours are blue and green, I like them best together or mixed, as aqua, duck-egg or teal, even my wedding dress was Duck-egg blue.
5. Star-bars are my favourite chocolate bar.
6 I would love to own a Land Rover Defender and travel over land through Europe and Africa in it, with the whole family.
7. I sew with a Husqvarna Viking Emerald 118.
Many thanks again to Nina, and if you haven't already, check out her blog and her giveaway.
Happy Sunday to you all
Thank you for your kind words Millie! I am happy I found your blog and get to know 7 things of you!
Have a good weekend,
Thanks Nina, Lovely to find yours too!
Thank you very much for the award, I'm honoured! I will mention it on my blog as soon as I've got a bit more time on my hands. (mum's here just now)
No problem Nicole, Enjoy your time with your Mum. Belated birthday wishes to Leoni.
Ooooh! I am insanely happy about this! Thank you. I'm just brushing up on my acceptance speech (and wondering if I ought to perhaps get out more). Love the work on your house btw. It's so light and airy
I'm delighted that you like it! There are to be no tears during your speech though!
I hope to eventually sew upstairs, the landing is big and the light is wonderful up there, it would be a lovely place to work. It's the kitchen table for now though!
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