All through my childhood I rode ponies and later as an adult, I rode horses. I always kept a horse or a fact I have worked with horses in various parts of the when I sold my last horse to pay for my wedding, 12 years ago, I didn't think it would be very long until I bought wrong was I! I have kept a few young horses over the years, but no riding horse. The children now have a couple of ponies, so during the summer, Colm suggested we go to go to the Dublin Horse Show in the see I haven't been there in about 12 years, so we packed a picnic, arranged a guy to milk the cows that evening, and off we went. One of the things I wanted to see was the side saddle was so amazing that I decided there and then that I must fulfill a lifelong dream and I would try to find a way to ride side saddle...even once. I managed to go to a "Have a go day" in County Meath....I was sick with nerves in the run up to it. I did not feel any better when I realised that the horse I was about to ride was the horse that hurtled around Ring 2 at the RDS!!! He was an absolute gentleman with me on board though.

Since then I have managed to have a few more lessons on friends horses, mainly on a darling mare called Tex.

At one lesson we were lucky to have the amazing photograher, Jennifer O'Sullivan clicking away....she took such lovely photos.

So alhough I have not been sewing much lately, I have made myself a side saddle habit...I just need to get some photos of myself in it...on a horse! It is a tailored riding jacket, with a skirt/apron. I used a charcoal wool blend.
Oh yes, and after all of this, I managed to buy myself a little horse...I walked away from her twice, but eventually went back and got her!

Hopefully one day soon I will get to ride her side saddle, but for now I have a bit of work to do astride.
I must apologise for the rubbish layout of this post, but blogger refuses to allow mw to sort it out....
She is beautiful! Good for you.
I used to ride a lot when I was a child and at Uni but once I got a job there was no time for anything so I haven't sat on a horse for years. I've always wanted to try side saddle but would stay on the flat - jumping side saddle looks far too precarious!
I did once see a pattern for a habit but I have no idea where - it was in the days before internet (!).
Your mare looks lovely - is she Welsh Mountain?
I am so happy that you are riding again Millie.
Stash Avalanche - I believe Suitability makes a sidesaddle skirt. I've not used it but I have used their patterns for half chaps and for breeches. I find them to be pretty well done. They also make a dressage coat pattern that includes a cutaway for sidesaddle.
Millie - looks like fun! I've never ridden sidesaddle and I've always wanted to try it.
It sounds wonderful Millie! Your horse is beautiful. I am looking forward to see your sewing as well since I've missed seeing your sewing.
Creativepursuits....Thank you so much!
Ana...juming is surprisingly secure(ish)! Like Jen said, Suitability make a habit pattern, and that is the one I used, although I had to make quite a few changes.
The mare is an oversize (15hh) registered Connemara.
Nicole...thank you so am I!
You're right about the Suitability patterns. I used them for both the jacket and the apron, but I had to lengthen the jacket by 2 inches, and I had to alter the apron quite a bit. It was a good place to start though!
Thank you very much Erica ...Blogger and Flickr are both driving me nuts these days...sometimes sharing is made difficult! I will get photos and share though!
Wow, what a whole new use for sewing skills. Loved your post and your enthusiasm. Enjoy!
I am so very green with envy Millie, I miss riding, one day, maybe. I am in awe of you making a habit. So awesome.
I love that you are fulfilling a dream by learning to ride side saddle! It looks like a lot of fun.:)
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