So when Colm's mother mentioned a covered up window on a bedroom wall....we were surprised to find this....

It may never have been a window, it may have just been an alcove, but it is a lovely shape and will be left like this (hopefully) if it is not suitable for opening up.
We spoke to our Architect and Structural Engineer about putting a window in a particular spot, and I remembered that I had seen something on that wall when renovations were done in the after a few minutes and a jack hammer (Colm manning it not me!) this blocked up, dinky little window appeared....

Put the big find as far as we are concerned is this....

It appears to be a big fireplace, which has been filled in. (There is a range cooker in front of it at the moment, it is under a duvet to protect it) It is brick either side and on top, and the beam has been cut out, apart from about 24 inches on the right hand side. The timber would appear from what we can see to have spanned the full width, and finished under the white clock/timer on the left hand side.
What will become of any of these finds remains to be seen.....I daren't dream too much!
ps. I'm sorry about the quality of the photos, they were taken on my phone. You should be able to click on them and see them a bit bigger, but possibly a bit more blurry!!
How exciting! That little alcove where your girls are standing looks really sweet and that fireplace has got potential!
So fun to read and see what you find in the new house.
Reminds me of my house- we had some fireplaces that had been filled in too. I love old houses. They are so interesting!
Ooh, that must be so exciting! Good luck with your explorations :)
This is just fascinating! I love hidden treasures.
Oh wow, how exciting. I love that alcove! I am dreaming about the potential for that fireplace for you.
I love reading about (and seeing) the discoveries you all are making as you embark on renovating the farmhouse! I wonder why the alcove and fireplace were covered up to begin with?
Wow, Millie! This is such an amazing project - I love reading about it, and am looking forward to reading the next installment.
Thanks Lotta...There certainly is potenial...and lots of dust!
Sarah...I often think about how you described your house to gives me lots of hope!
Thank you Jo! It certainly is getting more and more exciting with every new discovery!
Thanks Camille...I love them too!
Thanks Kath...I can imagine a lovely range in the fireplace. Lots of slow cooking!
Thank you Cindy..I worry that I will bore you all! I would imagine the fireplace was covered in to put a range cooker outside it and to stop the wind that came down it at times! The room that the alcove was in was partitioned, and this was in the way, so it was covered! It was closed in 1984 according to the newspaper in it!
Thanks Justine...I am glad to hear that you like reading it...As I said to Cindy...I'd hate to be boring you all!
Not boring at all,please post lots of photos!
Boring is my girlfriend taking 2 rolls of film of her slab!And making me look at them!!!!!
Thanks so much Nicole!
What on earth is a slab? I imagine it is made of concrete!
Wow, Millie! That's all so neat! Our new house has no surprises to it at all (which is both good and too bad). I can't wait to see what else crops up for you.
What a great find. Will you be able to get a new beam in and re-use the fireplace?
Yes,a concrete slab that you build the house on!
I kid you not!
Thanks so much Andrea...A new house is a new house, with or without surprises! It's exciting either way!
Thank you Ana...I hope we will be able to use the fireplace..We need to excavate more in time. I am dreaming about what to do with it!
Wow Nicole...I can see why you might get bored by that!
What fun, discovering the original 'bones' of the house, so to speak. I love the photo of the twins in the alcove - it has a lovely vintage quality, with the wallpaper remnants on the wall. I hope that you're either able to put a window there or at least keep that beautiful niche, as it's such a nice shape.
Your reno makes me a bit jealous, as we rent our house and so can't do anything to it. I wish we owned our own place - I love the idea of an old place being rediscovered and made into something new.
Wow Millie, how exciting! And oh my God I could actually post a comment!
Thanks Jen...It is rather a sweet photo. I'm sure it will be used one way or another. Some of the "bones" are harder to figure than we thought...the house seems to be older than we originally thought. There are so many questions...and no-one to definitively answer them! Why on earth they did certain things! I am sure in time you will own your own place...and you will make it just how you want it.
Hey Peta...welcome!
I keep reminding myself of the excitement as I sweep all the rubble!
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