This is one room which we stripped the wallpaper off and took a partition out of. This is in the second storey.

Partition with a "test hole" kicked in it!

Partition removed...
Stairs to the Attic...3rd storey.....
The attic from half way up the stairs..
And this is after loads of work clearing it is now entirely clear, except for the water tanks.
The attic stairs, from half way up..
Oh yes, I almost forgot the could I! I emptied this over a couple of afternoons...

In an attempt to make you feel cleaner and happier (I know, I was there!).....This arrived all the way from Thailand the other day...thank goodness for small mercies...
Okay, so it's going to be insane but . . . . ultimately it's going to be fabulous Millie. Can't wait to see what you do with it. With your talent, yup, fabulous.
Oh wow! Jed says great attic!
We both love it!
Dirty work, but oh so rewarding when you get to the finished project!
Is that gingham 100% cotton? I've been looking for it in black & white and in red & white....
What a job, but it's clear that it's going to be a beautiful house one day, with strong bones and a timeless good feeling. You'll need plenty of new cushions, right?
As overwhelming as it must feel now, imagine how wonderful it'll look when finished! And having the before pictures to compare it to will be priceless. I like the tearing out/demolition stage...good way to work out frustrations.:)
Wow! What a project! I can't wait to see the progress that you make!
Thanks Niamh...insane just about sums it up! I hope it will be day.
Thank you both, Nicole and Jed!
Thanks Jen...I think this part may end up being the easy part!
The gingham is 100% cotton, but they are just remnants...I can get plenty of poly-cotton, but it is hard to get cotton. I have also bought some flimsy 100% cotton stuff too. This is good and firm...sorry I can't help more. Ebay is always great for this type of thing though.
Mise...Thanks...I agree, cushions would make it all better!
Thanks Cindy, I know what you mean! We love demolition too!
Thank you Carolyn...I hope we can get some real work done in the Spring! That's the plan anyway!
Phew! What a lot of work! It's good to take before and after photos so you can see how much you've accomplished.
Lordy, Millie, what a project! It's going to be beautiful when it's all fixed up, though:) And think of all the great stories (and swear words) along the way! Best of luck to you all!
You're not wrong Joy! I know what you mean about the photos...the camera on my phone is a god-send, otherwise, I'd never take any photos! I fear the after photos will be a while away!
Thanks Andrea and I hope you are right ...there certainly is plenty of swearing...quite often when we're just thinking about it!
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