My waist is the area that I would consider to be my problem, so this doesn't make any sense. I can easily pull up and down most of my RTW jeans without opening them....?!
My sister offered my some of her old jeans, and she wears hers much lower....they gave me an horrific "muffin top"...not a good look!
So in an effort to find some comfortable, well-ish fitting jeans, I decided to join Peter again for a sew-along...this time for jeans. I chose #10 from Ottobre woman 5/2007. I didn't really expect them to fit....honestly, after all the RTW jeans that have not fit, I didn't expect them to fit straight from the pattern...but lo and behold they fit so well....perhaps the styling needs tweeking, but the fit is great....comfortable anyway. You see, I wear jeans all the time, except if I'm in bed, or exercising....or for special occasions, of course, but for work and for good, I usually wear jeans.
So here we are....from the back...

From the front.....

Side on....

I kid you not when I tell you that I am going to recycle/donate all my other jeans (bar one!)....I refuse to wear them anymore....and I will be making more of these....for sure.
The stitching/sewing on your jeans is dead on...they look fabulous! A well fitting pair of jeans is the Holy Grail of clothes for me. Last time I found some that fit well, I bought 4 of the exact same pair!
Oh! They're for you!!! Thought they were for M! They are great - I seriously need new jeans - mine are very bad (serious muffin top!) - not to mention the ripped knees!!!
Awesome! I live in jeans too. I'm still a scaredy cat when it comes to sewing jeans. I should just dive in!
Brilliant Millie,you will never go back!
I cannot get jeans to fit me for love nor money! Is it twins that does it to you?????
These are fab and very groovy!
10 out of 10 for photographing your own bum!
Great jeans, Millie! I made two pairs of trousers from Ottobre patterns (can't remember which ones) and didn't expect them to fit right away, but they were perfect, just like yours!!
How exciting to get a great fitting pair straight out of the box! Now you have a good base pattern to play around with details on.
After I'd made several fitting pairs of pants...I actually got rid of all my RTWs. They suddenly became even more uncomfortable and poorly fitting! Bad news...I really need to get cracking on making myself more!
Thanks Cindy...I know what you mean about well fitting jeans! I am thrilled to have found such a great pattern. The denim is not very heavy, so they were not too difficult to sew.
Thank you Justine...Indeed they are for me. Like Cindy says...well fitting jeans are the Holy Grail! So hard to find!
Thanks Heather....Dive rght in...this is a great pattern, it also comes with plain pockets.
Thank you Mother of 5 Nicole...I was sure it was the twins...not the donuts, or cream cakes!
Thanks Nicole. I haven't used Ottobre for trousers before, only tops. I did have to take several inches off the hems though! That doesn't count though!
It is exciting Joy...for sure. I never thought I'd be able to make jeans that were wearable, let alone comfortable! I am recycling one RTW pair tomorrow!
It's funny, jeans are so popular RTW, that it never occurred to me to make my own. Those look awesome! Definitely an inspiration. I currently have only one pair of jeans that fit, and they are my everything pants. It would be good to get a few more...I wonder if I could make them?!
Thanks Andrea....I'm quite sure you could make your own. Jalie makes a good ladies jeans pattern from what I've heard. Jalie is a Canadian company, btw.
Check out Peter's sew-along...he makes jeans step-by-step. It's a good place to start.
They're totally awesome!!!
Thanks Andrea! I bet you could make them! There is nothing very complicated about them, except the zipper, maybe. You can find lots of online tutorials for that bit. I used lighter denim, 7oz and it was quite easy to sew.
Wow! I am SO impressed! They look perfect!!!
I like these jeans - will pay more attention to this model.
WEre there any modifications to the pattern?
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