A Sailboat Top....poor T is sick in this photo...he had a terribly sore throat and then broke out in a rash all over his back and tummy...thankfully he has improved during today...rashes always freak me a teeny bit.

I made the little ones two Puppet Show tunics

These were to be a quick project...but they took quite a while....I learned lots in the process. This pattern is now out-of-print, so I am very glad to have one...I can see myself making more of them...I will be wiser next time...I had barely enough of any of the fabrics...there are selvages in the seam allowances! Because of this they took ages to cut out, and the fabric in the bodice of the spotty one had to be matched and fussy cut. Oh yeah and I really don't like two of the three fabrics...I'll know better next time!! I do love the tunics though. (Despite being icky pink)
The trip I spoke of is a journey to my elder sister in England. I will be going on my own with the 4 kids. It is an hour and a half to the ferry, a 3.5 hour ferry crossing and a 3.5 hr drive to my sister. I feel mixed about the whole thing, but I made a promise to myself, a long time ago, that my kids would know their cousins. I miss seeing my sister and I am really looking forward to seeing her and her lovely family. However, I will miss my darling husband and the reassurance he brings to me when he sits beside me in the car.
Tomorrow I will clean out the aforementioned car with a shovel and a yard brush.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Oh! Those trousers are soooo cute! Everything is lovely!!
Poor T, he sure looks peaky. But the clothes are lovely - a very French look. And you have my admiration for doing the trip with 4 children, braver than I, who would hesitate with 2.
me gusta tu blog, tus costuras y tu forma de ver la vida, uso el traductor para leerte porque mi inglés es pésimo.besos
Love the clothes! And good luck on your trip - it's hard when family are far away. My sister is just down the road, but my parents etc are all hours away, and it's a heck of a trek with just one kid, never mind four!
Lovely clothes! The trousers are my favourite, I tried to make sailor trousers for Maia a couple of years ago and it was a big fat fail :) Good luck on the trip and hope T feels better.
Love the clothes, especially the trousers. Hope T feels better soon and I wish you all a lovely trip to your sister. And don't worry, you'll be fine and the kids will be great during the journey ;-)
Good luck on your journey, it will be worth it when you see the children all together. I love the O+S sewing you have done, the colours of the sailboat top are perfect. The 2 tunics are very pretty, but I remember it was a time-consuming pattern too. That wouldn't put me off making it again though.
Lovely tunics! Perfect combination with the fabrics. A job well done on the sailboat set! I have often looked at them for Tjabering but I can't get myself to really like them for a boy... I would rather consider them for my eldest girl, rather than my wee man. What do you think?
Good luck with your trip, take it nice and easy. Bring plenty of 'healthy'snacks: raisins, fruit, plain biscuits, anything to keep them occupied on the ferry with food without completely stuffing them! Some table games may be good as well to keep them together, and if any of the children would still be 'buggy-able', bring the buggy along!!!!
I am sure you'll fine!
What gorgeous clothes! T will look so handsome! I hope he's feeling better. The little tunics are so cute. They remind me of old fashioned short dresses that little girls would wear frilly knickers under!
I hope the trip goes well for you. I'm sure it will. It will be worth it to be with fanily.
Thank you Heather!
Mise...thank you. The trip could be a wild one!
Thank you Onix...the translator is a wonderful thing!
Thanks Jo...I must need my head examined...but seeing all her family will be lovely.
Thank you Amanda...The trousers are put together in an interesting way, I wouldn't have had any idea how to go about making a pattern for them!
Thank you very much Nicole! I am hoping for the best on this trip.
Thanks Angela...I agree, seeing the kids together will make the journey worth while. I would definitely make the Puppet Show pattern again...I love the shape of the tunics. I would plan for it taking a while though!
Thank you Thirza...Funny, I would have thought the same as you, but decided to give them a try for T. I like both the top and trousers on him. I tried the top on M, who is 8 an it doesn't fit her as nicely, in my opinion. I am planning the skirt for her very soon though..I think it is another lovely pattern. So Yes, I would say it is great on a boy, with the bonus of the skirt as an extra pattern for girls.
The snacks are ready, games and books chosen. We have booked a cabin for the journey, which means the kids are contained. We no longer use a buggy, not for about a year now! Fingers crossed, we'll be ok.
Thanks Sadhbh...I know which dresses you mean! Very like them! I am really looking forward to seeing my sister, her partner and her kids. Hopefully all will go well on the journey.
All the clothes are so darling! And I frequently use the selvedges - that's what they're there for, right?
Good luck cleaning out the car, hehe!
Have fun and safe trip!
"Tomorrow I will clean out the aforementioned car with a shovel and a yard brush." If it's anything like our car, it'll be almost like an archaeology dig with petrified food and finding small toys that have been missing for ages!
Have a lovely trip! The new clothes are all beautiful and classic. I'm sure they'll all delight their wearers.
How perfect for the ferry! I love the fabric you chose for the pants. Too funny - that's about what it takes to clean out my car, too. Good luck with your trip.
hi millie , thanks for your comment over at mine, i've just been looking around your blog ....your doing some really lovely work here, my sewing has only been curtains and cushions bu ti'm inspired now to set about making my own clothes though i've been totally uninspired by the pattern books in hickeys .....
must check out some online stuff....do you have any recommendations?
Thanks Joy...I'm glad you agree about the selvages!
Thank you Cindy! I think we drive very similar cars!
Thanks Medrie...T is easy to please, but as for the two girls......!! That's another story!
Thank you Katie...I am glad to hear that mine is not the only car like it!
Japoopee...I love your work! Where to start on patterns. Depending on what type of thing you were thinking of making Colette Patterns are lovely. Hot Patterns look good, but I've never used them, and if it's every day stuff it's hard to beat Ottobre Design for value. However, the instructions are more brief...I learned to sew mostly with Ottobre. I had only sewn curtans and cushions up until two years ago....problem is, I haven't sewn any since!
Google any of those and you'll find plenty of info.
thanks millie .i'm off to google...
Hi Millie, I already commented once today after months of shameful lurking. I'm so sorry. I think I discovered your blog during Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day, but I've been enjoying it ever since. I love the kids clothes you've been making, and it's very cool to kind of "connect" with someone from Ireland. So I awarded you a Versatile Blogger award here: http://adelaidelemonade.typepad.com/adelaide-lemonade/2011/02/versatile-blogger-award.html
Hey - just noticed you got shortlisted in the Irish blog awards!! Well done!! http://awards.ie/blogawards/2011/02/28/personal-2011-finalists/
Good luck Jaboopee...sorry for the typo on your name last time...ooops!
Thank you Katie, for all of that! I am very bad at this type of thing...I am finding it hard to find time to even post, but I will do my best...thanks again! I really appreciate it.
Well, I never! Thanks for letting me know Sadhbh.
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