I decided recently that I needed a new shirt....I had made a shirt from Ottobre (#44 from Winter 04) a while ago...I love it and wear it all the time, but it was a tiny bit too big on me, so rather than re-trace a whole new pattern in a smaller size I decided to alter the pattern I had already traced.
I used some of the lovely lawn cotton that I bought at the Knitting and Stitching Show, when it was in Dublin....
My plan was that I would not add my usual 1cm seam allowances and that would make it a little bit smaller......I never took into account that with Princess seams, there were 6 seams altogether...4 princess and 2 side seams....that, by my calculations, mean that I reduced the girth of the shirt by 12cm, 2cm off each seam! I didn't want it that much smaller!
Thankfully I have a mother who likes shirts....she was quite glad to take it off my hands...
I was so annoyed with myself that it took about a fortnight to finally make button-holes, and I let my Mother sew on the buttons herself! The least she could do!
(The photo at the top was taken before I did button-holes)
This is a valuable lesson...for me...I don't for one minute think that any of you lovely seamstresses or seamsters out there would make such a stupid bloody mistake....but if by some chance you have, do share with me...it would make me feel less bad....!
That's rotten luck as it's quite a lovely shirt.
Dear Millie
oh what a shame! I haven't made exactly the same mistake, but me too was too lazy to trace a pattern again once my dear son snipped off a corner of one piece while I was on the toilet... I thought he had just cut off a strip and added this in my imagination when cutting the fabric. Only today did I realise that it had actually been a triangle, and so I must have spoilt about 6 pants for my elder daughter... Ok, the fabric was not very exclusive (recycled T-shirts), but nevertheless I feel so *mgrrmpfh* that I don't even feel like counting how many pieces are affected or figuring out wether I could re-use the pieces in one size smaller for my younger daughter...
So, once again, my complete empathy goes to you! And I'm sure there are loads of other seamstresses out there who can understand you!
Hugs, Ellu
Oh that is terribly sad! Once I was making a blouse and had the thing nearly completed. I was serging to finish one of the seam allowances and I'll be damned if part of the back yoke didn't get caught up underneath and got serged right along with my seam. Of course it cut the fabric too! Not the inside yoke...the outside. I managed some sewing trickery and replaced the dammged yoke but I'm sure it looked like hell! That happened YEARS ago but it's never happened to me again as I'm always super careful when serging now! LOL! I guess we just have to chalk it up to learning experience even though it sucks! I'm certain your next project will be flawless!
I do stupid stuff like that all the time. You'd think that the more I sew, the better I'd get at avoiding stupid mistakes. I recently sewed the back and the front of a shirt together - like in the middle - not like where you're supposed to sew it together. Luckily that was an easy seam-ripper fix. The last two patterns I made, I sort of "forgot" the seam allowances. They're not exactly easy to add AFTER you've cut out the pieces. Arghh. Anyway, it's a lovely shirt. Happy Sewing!
Back when I wasn't afraid of cutting fabric yet, I decided to make myself a floor length, full circle skirt. I made a pattern myself (with my brand new maths skills of how to calculate the diameter of a circle when all you know is the circumference, which was the circumference of my waist).
I wanted the skirt to have 8 panels and when cutting it all out I realised I could make a much fuller skirt because I could fit the pattern in two more times.
Well, I realised that my skirt would now have fit a very pregnant woman _after_ I had sewn it all together and did the hem and then started the waistband......
I think I remember why I'm scared of cutting fabric now :-P
Oh no, we neeeever do that ;-)! That is why I keep postponing adjusting my schoolhouse tunic pattern: I am sooo afraid I'll mess it up!
It is a great shirt, thank goodness your mum wanted it!
It makes for a beautiful gift for your mum, though! And now you'll just have to treat yourself to some new fabric...
The fabric is beautiful! No wonder you were so disappointed. I hope you mom loves the shirt though. It's lovely.
Well I don't even know what a princess seam is so you're still way ahead of me! It's a lovely shirt, (something quite monsoon/avoca about it)I'd be pretty annoyed too, but at least it could go to a family member! I'm always impressed by your talent! s
It is refreshing to hear that everybody makes silly mistakes, even though it's a shame about the blouse. One thing you know is that you'll never make that mistake again!
I make silly mistakes ALL the time, but mostly when I'm in a hurry or trying to be clever (: I've done the "serge a hole in the nearly completed garment" thing, too; too often sew sleeves on backward (!), make a mistake while tracing and end up with some strange variation...the list goes on.
I'm very good at sewing button holes for the elasticated waistband in trousers on the outside of the waisband. And of course I cut them open before I realize it!!! So I'm very good at taken waistband off of almost finished trousers...
Thank you Cindy, but at least someone will get to wear it!
Oh Ellu, I feel better reading that, not only were you not prepared to re-trace the pattern, but you have a son who does things just like my son would do! I hope you get to use or re-use the fabric. Thanks for the words of support!
Thanks Heather...I don't use my serger much...it scares me....I need to get over that! I managed to cut a hole in the front seam allowance of the black/white bra I made and had to use some sewing trickery there too...good job it's an under-garment!
Katie... thank you for sharing your mistakes too! I bought a new seam ripper the other day....I always need one at hand! I am always doing silly stuff...not normally as stupid as this shirt though!
Thank you Nicole...another story to make me feel "less bad"....I can totally understand how you felt after all that work to realise it didn't fit! I couldn't move my arms in this shirt!
Thanks Thirza....I am glad she wanted it too! She has even bought a cardigan, and has a skirt, to make an outfit out of it!
Be brave...get at your School House Tunic pattern!
Thank you Medrie....It will look lovely on her, and as I said to Thriza, she is planning a whole outfit with it...she will wear it proudly...and as you say, I get to go shopping again!
Thank you very much Ruth...She does love it. The fabric is such silky smooth cotton. It is going to a good home.
Thanks very much Sadhbh...I know my Mother is very proud of everything I make, (as I am of all she makes) so she will tell anyone who will listen, that her daughter made it!!! Princess seams are the ones that shape over the bust instead of darts...perhaps these ones are not technically princess seams now that I think about it!
Thanks Joy...all of this is making me feel better! I make those type of mistake ALL the time, my seam ripper is my favourite tool! Sewing when I am tired is my biggest problem, trying to finish one last seam, which ends in disaster!
Nicole...that is a new one on me! I haven't done that yet...I'll watch out for it! I not saying I won't! Thanks for sharing!
Oh dear! That sounds EXACTLY like something I would do! I'm glad your shirt went off to a good home - there's nothing more annoying than sewing something that doesn't work and then having it hang in the wardrobe to haunt you.
Oh no! It's a pity you couldn't wear it, I love the colour of the fabric. Lucky for your Mum! My disasters are usually total, can't be saved, the kind of thing where I think a dress will be gorgeous, and then it just looks like a sack.
Don't beat yourself up really! I am currently working on fixing mistakes in about 5 projects. one dress I got angry and hacked the neckline down, put lace straps on but had a high chunky back! I've just got around to cutting the back, re-entering the zip and making new facings! x
I know Ana, I am so glad that someone will get use out of it...it looks lovely on her too!
Angela...I have had couple of total disasters too! Only one or two....thankfully. I hate when something gets the better of me!
Oh dear Stevie...I am glad that I didn't have to get the scissors to this! I only had to find someone smaller than me! Thanks for sharing!
Oh - what a lovely fabric. It looks like Liberty - is it? What a bummer that it doesn't fit you but I'm glad that you were able to give it to someone you love. Aside from the size issue it looks beautifully done.
Thanks Jen, I got the fabric from a seller at a show. I think it is possibly a knock-off. I didn't realise it at the time, but I have since seen it on eBay as Liberty. This did not say Liberty on the selvage. I am glad it fit's my Mum too!
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