Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sarita Jeans

Both of the older children have shot up in height since last autumn and as a result are in desparate need of new trousers.
I found this lovely green corduroy in my local fabric shop when I was in the other day.

I used the Sarita Jeans pattern in size 134 from Ottobre 1/2009. The only thing we changed was the back pockets, which we replaced with the pockets from the Butterfly cords in 4/2009. I also put some Farbenmix ribbon on the pockets.
I also stitched some elastic into the back of the waistband.


Nicole said...

Lovely trousers and they seem to have a perferct fit. Love the back pockets. Leoni also desperately needs new trousers so I might have a look at this pattern...

Millie said...

Thanks Nicole...It is a really good pattern. It starts at size 128. Maeve is between sizes 128 and 134, but I made the bigger size. She's skinny though, so they're still a bit baggy in the bum!

Natalya said...

Nice trousers.

Cindy said...

They look fabulous! K has sadly outgrown the Sarita jeans I made her last fall. I'll have to trace the next size up and make them again.

Kitschy Coo said...

I'm very impressed, they look amazing! I've never attempted a fly before, are they tricky?

Joy said...

I really like those pants, especially in that great green cord. I'm sure I'll be making this pattern soon. My oldest girl has jumped from size 110 to size 122 since spring - but I'm certainly not willing her to grow any faster!

Millie said...

Na2sya...Thanks very much!

Beachgirl...Thank you. K's Sarita jeans are lovely..I saw them on Flickr when I decided to make some. I look forward to seeing the next ones you make.

Thanks Amanda...In my opinion flies are not too difficult...just do as they say and don't think about it! The minute you start to go wrong! Mine always are a bit short on the overlap piece at the front. Problem is I don't do them often enough.

Thanks Joy...They grow like weeds, don't they, especially over the summer, it seems. The green is even brighter in reality...quite acid in fact. I love it...I had left the shop and went back for it!

Nö said...

They look fantastic! What a great pattern and I like the details you added! The pokets, the elastic, perfect!

Heather said...

Adorable!! These look really fantastic!

Ria said...

Oh, I love the colour. And the fit is perfect, jugded by the photo.
I also like the buttons on the skirt you made.
Millie, thank you so much for commenting on my blog so much, I really appriciate it, eventhough I'm not reciprocing it on yours. But I still read everything you write and admire your skills and all the work you do, having a farm as well. You must have so much energy! I admire you for that.

Millie said...

Thanks Nina...I love all my Farbenmix ribbons...I won most of them in a giveaway a while ago. I love a chance to use a bit of one or two of them. The elastic was a necessity!

Thanks Heather!

Thanks Ria...I knew you'd like the colour! It reminds me of some corduroy you've used.
As for the commenting...I don't comment on your blog because I expect you to return the favour! I comment because I have a boy the same age as Pelle and I want to support you. I hope you have a wonderful holiday...It is lovely to think your whole family can go on a holiday like that...Enjoy yourselves!

Poetry fan said...

Hi Millie, I have to ask...where is your local fabric shop?!! I've seen you mention it a few times re cool fabrics, and I am thinking I should find out where it is so if I am ever in the area, I can go there. I'm in wexford - v bad selection :(

Millie said...

Winter local shop is in Tullamore and yes, they do have lovely fabrics, although sometimes I find it a bit pricey. She mainly sells silks, satins and 'adults stuff'. But quite often I'll find something really nice when I open my eyes and look around. It also has a great supply of haberdashery. She is very knowledgable too. I know she will post stuff, including samples. She has a website for info

Poetry fan said...

thanks a mill for that, I'll check out her site :) tullamore is a bit off my path - have no rellies there and in fact I think I've never been, but it might be worth a detour I think if I'm even near it!

menopausalmusing said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. What a lovely family you have and boy, are you handy with a needle!!!! :O)))

Millie said...

Thank you Menapausal Musing. Sadly I'm not nearly as amusing as you!!


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