I made these two Insa skirts for the two little girls from my new book that I won on Nancy's blog. I am sure this is an easy pattern but for some reason I made hard work of it! My fault I'm sure! I didn't even embellish them in any way. My fabric choice is a bit muted, but I suppose thats only the case when you compare it to the skirts in the book!
I am sure they will be very useful skirts, especially during the summer.
I ordered some fabric from a lady on Ebay...My first time. It was rather a good experience, which I wasn't expecting. I thought it would be impersonal and awkward. Far from it.... Turns out she recognised my username from Flickr and asked was I the person who sewed for my twins...I was so chuffed! She also sews Ottobre clothes. Anyway, I bought two metre pieces of Boden fabric and a piece of green waterproof fabric for a summer Jacket for Maeve. I am hoping to my the Silverlake Jacket from "Sewing Clothes Kids Love". I finally have the plan straight in my head and I'm ready to trace the pattern. The quality of all three is lovely, something I always worry about when buying online.
Finally, we have another walker....and she got her first real shoes today. Let me just say...the shoe shop staff will not forget our family in a hurry! Tears and gnashing of teeth were the order of the day...the little girls, not me...I managed to keep it together!
Have a lovely weekend..
The shoes are so cute! Unfortunately it doesn't get easier buying them, especially when the little ladies have their own word in what they want :-)
I really like the skirts and no one sees that they've been hard work. Would love to see them on your little girls!
Really cute skirts!
I imagine your house just got a little more interesting with another little walker. Not that the crawling stage is easy!
Thanks Nicole, I tend to like finishing a project ASAP and when I try and stretch out a project to enjoy the process more...I don't enjoy it as much!
As for the shoes, my kids seem to have awkward feet, narrow with a high instep! Not every shoe suits them, (Maeve is a 35 and wears orthotic insoles, which narrows her options even more!) We tend to try on lots that don't fit, which little ones don't understand. So today we ended up with one twin in red patent and the other in white and pink! Not very co-ordinated!
Joy... now that both twins are upright they work together to open doors and escape to other rooms!Fun and games!
The skirts are gorgeous Millie as are those adorable little red patent leather shoes...so very sweet.
Thanks Cee..I think the girls are going to were the skirts today. And yes the shoes are very sweet.... for a while anyway until she scuffs the toes, but thats what childrens shoes are for right?!
the skirts are great! and the shoes... so so sweet!
Thank you Michal for the lovely comment.
Hello Millie, Your Insa skirts are very pretty, and your girls will get loads of compliments when they're out in them. The pattern is not the easiest - trying to get all those gores to fit exactly to the yoke - I had to do lots of stretching and easing!
I'm looking forward to seeing the jackets you make.
The skirts look very cute. I'm planning these for my Maeve and Gwyneth after I finish the Easter dresses - Maeve wants the Manhattan dress from the book and Gwyn is getting the Farbenmix Rachel dress. I'm excited to see the Silverlake jacket made up.
Love the little red shoes! Our girls have shoe problems, too. Maeve is almost a 37, which means that I have a very difficult time finding shoes for a 9 year-old whose feet are that big! In Europe, I find that they have real children's shoes that go into the larger sizes. Not so much in the US. My Gwyneth has little feet but wide, and not as many US shoes are made wider in width. Again, I found that European shoes ran wider.
SewMentalMama...My skirts went together quite well. I had no problem with the yokes/gores. I think I just wasn't in the mood for doing 4 hems, two of them scalloped!I shortened the yokes on mine btw, I felt they'd be too long, I'm glad I did. I also did the waistbands turned down instead of channels on mine.
Gosh Jen, you are very brave! We do't do Easter dresses here. It's not really traditional, Also, they have several dresses which have only been worn once! I look foward to seeing yours though.
We are lucky to have a couple of good shoe shops near by. One is especially for kids shoes and is nearly all good European brands, like Richter, Ricosta, Primigi, Pablosky. Richter seem to suit the long narrow feet best. They are all quite good and age appropriate. However price is a major thing...I've bought them all shoes in the last couple of weeks at about 45 euro each.
So wonderful skirts and new shoes
Thank you Na2sya for your kind comment.
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